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Our new Poet Laureate is revealed!

Excitement is buzzing at SMHC as our Year 10 student, Isabelle, has been awarded the prestigious title of Poet Laureate in celebration of National Poetry Day.

The announcement followed a highly competitive contest that saw students from all year groups submit an impressive array of original and thought-provoking poems. The competition not only showcased the exceptional talent within the school but also sparked widespread enthusiasm from students eager to share their creative voices.

In the final round, two talented poets presented remarkable pieces, each centred on the theme of counting. Their poems reflected deep personal insights and careful attention to detail, making for a truly inspiring conclusion to the contest. This year’s competition was made even more special by the high level of student involvement in the voting process. 

After reviewing the poems during morning tutor time, students shared their thoughts and engaged in spirited discussions about each piece. They approached the voting process with care, thoughtfully considering the strengths of every poem in mature and meaningful conversations. When the voting booths opened during breaks A and B, the remarkable turnout reflected the strong enthusiasm for the event across the school.

Reflecting on the honour of being named Poet Laureate, Isabelle shared, “I am truly honoured to be voted to be our school's poet laureate for this year. I look forward to seeing what I can bring to Scott College.”

Isabelle steps into the role previously held by last year’s Poet Laureate, Rhianna, who has passed over the metaphorical torch. The school is confident that Isabelle will bring fresh creativity and inspiration to the 2024/2025 school year, continuing the high standard of excellence set by her predecessor.

Isabelle’s appointment has already sparked excitement and pride throughout the school, highlighting the value of poetry and self-expression. Her debut poem has left a strong impression, and both students and staff are eager to see the creative works she will bring throughout her term.

Congratulations to Isabelle on this outstanding achievement! We look forward to the inspiring poetry she will share in the year ahead.


Isabelle’s Poem:

All Because I Can Count


Take a breath,

Count to five.

Count, count, count 

Count to survive. 

5 things you can see:

my reflection in the mirror, 

that flickering light, 

the open bathroom door, 

my messy hair 

and my glasses on the sink.


4 things you can feel:

these itchy tights, 

this claustrophobic collar, 

my mascara too chunky 

and this skirt that would look good in teal.


3 things you can hear: 

my heavy breathing,

 the chatter that seems so distant yet so close

  and my racing heart as if I'm in fear.


2 things you can smell: 

the scent of my perfume 

and the smell of the hand soap left over in the school sink


1 thing you can taste: 

 the taste of lemon from the cake I got in the canteen


0 seconds to think clearly

0 seconds to look in the mirror and pull myself together.

I'm still counting 

The seconds until I suck in another breath

The seconds I wash my face in the sink and pull myself back- 

Just count!

The numbers never change 

Counting all the same.


10 breaths in 10 breaths out 

Back to reality 


All because I count.