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In a significant celebration of dedication, hard work, and success, we warmly congratulate our exceptional Year 13 students on their outstanding achievements!

As this chapter of their academic journey concludes, a new era begins with their paths forward secured - whether they are going on to university, starting their careers, or embracing apprenticeships. Each one of our students is a shining example of perseverance and excellence, and we couldn't be prouder!

With happiness and anticipation, we applaud the remarkable accomplishments of these talented individuals. Their dedication to studies and unwavering commitment have made outcomes that will undoubtedly pave the way for promising futures.

Astounding Achievements:

We are delighted to share the fantastic achievements of our students on this year's A-Level and BTEC results day. With a 100% pass rate, our students have excelled, achieving an impressive average grade of Distinction*!

Additionally, 84% of our students have secured a place at their first-choice university, showcasing their hard work, perseverance, and commitment.

Celebrating Individual Triumphs:

Faith: Excited for Psychology at Plymouth University

Faith has secured her place at Plymouth University to study Psychology. 

"I’m buzzing! I really embraced sixth form at Scott and got involved in so many different aspects of school life and experiences. I attended trips and workshops, heard from medical professionals, and got involved in masterclasses. All these experiences have led me to today, where I have got the grades to get onto the course I really wanted. I am so happy!”

Sophie: Secured her spot studying Paramedicine at Plymouth University

"I’ve wanted to be a paramedic for such a long time, I am so pleased it's finally becoming a reality!"

Finley: Ready for Optometry at Plymouth University

Finley is thrilled to have secured his place at Plymouth University, where he will be studying Optometry. 

"I’m so pleased I got in! I worked really hard, often choosing to study over going out with friends, and it’s all paid off. My teachers were incredibly supportive, and attending an Optometry open day, where I got hands-on experience, really solidified my decision to pursue this career path. I also had the chance to speak with optometrists, which was invaluable. I’m especially excited that I’ll be studying Optometry alongside two other students from Scott - good friends - and I can’t wait to continue this journey with them!”


BTEC Students Leading the Way to Bright Futures

Our exceptional BTEC students are paving the way for remarkable futures, achieving outstanding results and securing places at top universities.

Gracie: Excelling Toward a Career in Occupational Therapy

Gracie will be attending Plymouth University to study Occupational Therapy after achieving an impressive D* D* D* in her BTEC, along with an additional AS Level in Maths, where she earned a fantastic B!

"I actually did better than I expected! I’m over the moon with my results and securing my place at university. Mrs. Chalmers and Mrs. Buckingham really supported me through this journey, and I couldn’t be more thankful. The extra-curricular opportunities like trips, workshops, and talks helped me decide that Occupational Therapy is the path I want to pursue. I’m so excited for the future!"

Belinda: On the Path to Child Nursing at Plymouth University

Belinda has secured her spot on the prestigious Child Nursing course at Plymouth University. Mrs. Buckingham shared her pride in Belinda’s achievement:

"I am so incredibly proud of Belinda. The course she’s been accepted onto is incredibly hard to get onto, but I knew she would. Belinda is going to make a fantastic child nurse. She has all the skills needed, and I’m so pleased her grades reflect this!"

Tille and Beth: Ready for Primary Education and Early Years

Tille and Beth are both heading to Plymouth University to study Primary Education and Early Years. After achieving exceptional grades, they are excited about the next chapter.

Tille expressed her excitement: "I am so happy! I worked really hard, but I also had a great group of friends who worked hard too, so we were able to support each other to achieve our best. I’m going to miss them and the teachers at Scott, but I’m super excited to start university in just a few weeks’ time!"

(Pictured from Left to right, Belinda, Beth, Tille and Gracie.)


Mrs. Buckingham summed up the day’s results with pride:

"Seeing these students secure their university spots in such a diverse range of fields, especially within medical, health, and social care, really epitomises why Scott College exists. Our mission is to develop and nurture the next generation of medical professionals. Seeing these incredible students so happy and excited for their futures, knowing that their educational journey here helped pave the way, is exactly why we do what we do. Well done to all the students!"


Guiding Hand for All:

To those who didn't achieve the results they had hoped for, remember that our dedicated staff are here to offer guidance and support. Success is a journey with twists and turns, and setbacks are merely stepping stones to greater achievements. Your determination will be your greatest ally as you navigate the path ahead.

We wish you all the luck in the world as you step into the next phase of your lives, embracing challenges, seizing opportunities, and continuing to make us proud.

Congratulations to each one of you – you are the embodiment of achievement and Scott College, and the world is yours to conquer!