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Year 9’s Successful Bake Sale for Charity

In an uplifting display of community spirit and generosity, members of tutor group, 9.3, organised a delicious bake sale. Daisy, Yara, Lily, Charlie, Myles, and Ruweda dedicated their time and efforts to bake and donate an array of yummy treats, including cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, and a fantastic cheesecake.

These dedicated students sacrificed both of their break times to make sure that staff and students had the opportunity to enjoy some wonderful treats, adding a sweet note to the end of the week.

Miss Cripps said, “My lovely tutor group managed to raise an impressive £73.35 today. We collectively decided to split the proceeds from the bake sale between two meaningful causes: St Luke's Hospice and Medical Aid for Palestine. This decision reflects the group's commitment to making a positive impact both within our local community and beyond."

“I am endlessly inspired by the generosity, kindness, and commitment these students show every day. Their selflessness and hard work are truly commendable, and they have set a remarkable example for their peers. I am one very proud tutor!”