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Awards Evening 2024

It was a night filled with pride, joy, and a celebration of accomplishments as Scott College presented its annual Awards Ceremony.

The event was a momentous occasion that showcased the remarkable achievements of the young individuals who have dedicated themselves to their studies and personal growth. 

Themed "Journey beyond limits," the evening was graced by the presence of guest speaker Ben Smith, a Marathon runner and inspirational Speaker. 

Ben is the holder of the world record for most consecutive marathons, 401 marathons in 401 days and founder of the 401 charity. Ben’s powerful words resonated deeply with the audience as he shared his personal journey of overcoming obstacles and achieving success. “We don’t have to be defined by our past, where we come from or even what we’ve been through. Harnessing our experiences, learning from them and using them for good is possible.”

The evening was enriched by heartfelt student speeches. Grace, one of our Year 9 student speakers shared, “Starting a new school can be scary, but I quickly made friends and got used to my subjects and supportive teachers. After a successful year at SMHC, I look forward to Year 10. The Step into the NHS project boosted my confidence, presentation, and teamwork skills. With the education and values I've gained here, I feel I'm on the right path to becoming a midwife." 

Nicole, Year 10 student speaker, shared her personal journey at Scott College, citing the additional qualifications and diverse experiences she gained beyond the core subjects. Nicole said,"In my two years at Scott Medical and Health Care College, I've worked hard to achieve great results in all subjects. Outside of class, I earned my Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award and will soon pursue Gold. I've also gained hands-on NHS experience and participated in the 'Operation Live’ event, witnessing real surgeries and unique dissections."

Maddie, a Year 11 student speaker, reflected on the significant role that Scott College played in shaping her and her peers' lives. She expressed, “Since joining Scott three years ago, we have been presented with many opportunities to help better ourselves and our learning. One of my favourite opportunities in Year 11 was the Fix-Up Team, who visited to give us motivational talks and inspiration closer to our exams. This allowed me to remember that the hard work we were putting in was not going to last forever, and that it was all going to be worth it.”

Kiera, a Sixth Form Head Student, highlighted the transformative power of Scott College in her own life. Kiera said, “I have always changed my mind regarding my next steps after sixth form and the career that I want to go into, unsure if I was making the wrong decision, but through the help of Scott College, I have come to realise that I want to study Psychology at Plymouth University. The school offers us opportunities such as visiting different universities and being able to talk to professionals about their field of work. This has enabled me to look at possible pathways I could take and which one is best suited for me.”

The success of the Awards Ceremony would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication and commitment of the teachers and staff who worked tirelessly to make the event a reality. Their continuous support and guidance have helped nurture and develop the young individuals at Scott College, empowering them to reach their full potential.

Our talented Poet Laureate, Rhianna, delivered a beautiful poem that she had written especially for the event. Her eloquent words captured the essence of the evening, leaving the audience moved and reflecting on the themes she so gracefully presented. The poem showcased her exceptional literary talent.

The evening concluded with heartfelt appreciation expressed to Ben Smith for his inspirational speech and, most importantly, to the students themselves for their hard work, determination, and commitment to personal growth.

Scott College's Awards Ceremony is an occasion that will be cherished for years to come for these young people, serving as a reminder to all present that with hard work, belief in yourself, and support from key people, dreams can be achieved!

Rhianna’s poem:         


Greatness From Small Beginnings 

Written by Rhianna


New academic year,

new me…

Or so I think,

Days, weeks months,

It doesn’t matter,

Over ambitiously setting new goals,

Each one bigger and better,

I yearn…

To learn how to drive,

To have lots of friends,

To win  competitions,

To be a famous actor,

To be a billionaire.


I want to rule the world!


Each aspiration more impressive than the last,

But they crash down one by one,

The negative notions plant themselves,

These weeds settle on the superficial surface of my mind.

Spreading to my thoughts,

Strangling motivation from my veins,

Suffocating me with pessimism


Until I realise, 

It’s the small steps

That make the biggest impact.

Go to school each day, 

Complete the homework,

Join that club,

Make a new friend,

Learn a new skill,

Go somewhere different,

Make a small but lasting change.


I want to be inspirational!

Tiny achievements germinate in my soul,

Their roots digging deep as I learn and grow

Sprouting positivity which branches into my being

Empowering me everyday 

To believe in myself.


The smallest seed grows the tallest sunflower.


Sic Parvis Magna: 

Greatness from small beginnings