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Vinnie's Visit: A Journey of Growth and Learning

Baby Vinnie and his mum, Lindsey, visited our Year 9 and 10 Child Development students last December. Now, six months later, our students are amazed by Vinnie's incredible growth and milestones.

Vinnie, now 8 months old, has already surpassed many of his developmental milestones. When compared to the typical achievements by 9 months, Vinnie is already sitting up, babbling tunefully, and engaging in playful activities like peekaboo.

During their visit, the students had a wonderful time interacting with Vinnie. Evie from year 9 shared, "It was so interactive - I loved sitting with him. He handed me toys and smiled when I smiled." Charlie, also from year 9, said, "I enjoyed playing with him and the coloured screens, seeing him interact and laugh." Rhianna and Nicole from year 10 both described Vinnie as "adorable" and were amazed at witnessing his developmental progress, calling it "a great experience." Nicole from year 10 added, "It was such a joy to watch him play. Vinnie was so cute - I wish he could come every week!"

The visit included music and playtime, where Vinnie joined in with songs like "Wind the Bobbin Up" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." He thoroughly enjoyed playing pat-a-cake, eagerly reaching out his hands to participate. The students observed Vinnie's fascination with a musical teddy, crawling towards it to touch the flashing lights and laughing joyously.

Lindsey also shared insights into Vinnie's eating and sleeping routines, highlighting his transition from milk to solid foods and his preference for a nap during the day. She emphasised the importance of sleep for Vinnie's growth and brain development, explaining how it helps him process and retain information.

Mrs. Chalmers, reflecting on the visit, emphasised the educational value of such hands-on experiences. She noted, "Learning about children's development in a classroom is one approach, but having hands-on, visual experiences enhances students' learning and understanding. It allows them to connect their theoretical knowledge with real-life experiences."

Overall, Vinnie's visit was a heart-warming and educational experience for everyone involved. It not only showcased Vinnie's remarkable progress but also deepened the students' appreciation for child development and caregiving. Mum Lindsey shared her delight, saying, "It was a joy to come in and share Vinnie's growth and development with the students."


To read about Vinnie's first visit, please click here: