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A heartfelt farewell to our Year 11 students!

Today, we come together to celebrate the remarkable journey of our Year 11 students as they prepare to embark on new adventures beyond Scott College.

Throughout this academic year, our Year 11 students have demonstrated remarkable resilience, determination, and personal growth. They have created lasting memories, made lifelong friendships, and left a lasting impression on our school community. We are immensely proud of their achievements!

To our Year 11 students, as you embark on the next chapter of your lives, know that the knowledge, skills, and experiences you've gained here will pave the way for your future adventures. Trust in yourselves, pursue your dreams with passion, and boldly seize the opportunities that come your way. The world is eager to witness your exceptional talents!

We express our sincere gratitude to the parents and guardians for their support and confidence in our school. Your dedication to your children's education and personal growth has been invaluable, and we thank you for entrusting us with their journey. 

Lastly, to our exceptional teaching staff, thank you for your tireless dedication, guidance, and mentorship. Your wisdom has shaped these young minds and prepared them well for the challenges ahead.

Congratulations to our Year 11 class of 2024. You will be greatly missed. We wish you luck on whatever your next steps will be!